Dissapointing. I like one or two songs. Madonna's always the best when she's leading the pack. When she works with someone at the end of a trend, like she did with Babyface, it sounds like their record, not hers. (Herald Sun, August 7 2008)
Agree or disagree with Darren's views? Let us know!
Agree. Hard Candy and Bedtime Stories are the less inspiring Madonna albums. I'd rank American Life, and even Bedtime Stories, above this one.
Hard Candy, in my opinion, was her worst album to date. It seems that she has been trying to grasp onto her youth and still believes she is the same age she was when she released Like a Virgin or True Blue. With Ray of Light, she was where she should have been, creating mature music. I can't even bring myself to listen to Hard Candy because I keep reminding myself that SHE IS 50 YEARS OLD! If I were Lourdes, I'd be so embarrassed.
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